

Image of some of the cards from the Essence based Method Agnostic Agility Cards used to help people learn about some key agile principles.

The following blog provides a set of free, downloadable agile coaching cards that can be used by Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters and teams working in many different contexts. These cards have been developed while working outside of software and product development with government Defence teams and I’ve used these cards to teach agility and help develop an agile mind set.

Image of part of a concept map used by IJI consultants to explain Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) principles in this instance structuring portfolio events.

In this series of posts we wil explore the Events that either perform, schedule or track the activities that affect the Lifecycle of an Epic. This second post looks at how the events that run the Portfolio could be structured.

Image of part of a concept map used by IJI consultants to explain Lean Portfolio Management (LPM) principles in this instance Portfolio Events - exploring the decisions being made.

In this series of posts we wil explore the Events that either perform, schedule or track the activities that affect the Lifecycle of an Epic. This first post looks at the activites that the Portfolio needs to perform in order for it to make progress.

Image depicting Lean Portfolio Management LPM portfolio kanban board or canvas.  Part of the LPM series, this article specifically covers On The Nature Of Portfolios - Portfolio Kanban - Alternative Scenarios

Epics have a lifecycle, they don’t magically appear fully formed. There is work to be done to progressively elaborate a business case and if the Epic is approved then there is further work to progress the Epic through implementation. This post looks at some of the alternate scenarios that might be seen in the Epic lifecycle, covering Bad Ideas, Small Ideas, Lean-Startup and Exploring Options.

Image depicting Lean Portfolio Management LPM portfolio kanban board or canvas.  Part of the LPM series, this article specifically covers On The Nature Of Portfolios - Portfolio Kanban - Normal Scenarios

Epics have a lifecycle, they don’t magically appear fully formed. There is work to be done to progressively elaborate a business case and if the Epic is approved then there is further work to progress the Epic through implementation. In this post we’ll explore the Portfolio Kanban that visualises the lifecycle of an Epic and look at some of the decisions that influence the Epic’s progress through its lifecycle.  

scaled agile portfolio epic lifecycle and epic states

Epics have a lifecycle, they don’t magically appear fully formed. There is work to be done to progressively elaborate a business case and if the Epic is approved then there is further work to progress the Epic through implementation. This post explores the Lifecycle of an Epic and the states it progresses through in that Lifecycle.

SAFe Participatory Budgeting Image - agile development budget management

This post is an exploration of whether you should be estimating Expense or Effort. Both are required from different processes within the Scaled Agile Framework and there is a route to convert between the two, but which should be the principal estimate and which the derivation?

In a flow based environment where teams pull work towards them an Epic can't dictate to the teams, which makes Epic roadmapping a challenge. This post explores the challenges of Epic Roadmaps and process through which they can be generated.

Portfolios need to build roadmaps to facilitate forecasting activities and to assess time-criticality during prioritisation. This post covers some practical facilitation techniques for Roadmapping activities.

Read one of our student’s testimonial regarding our upcoming course, Better Scrum through Essence.

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