

A human brain, to represent introversion, infront of a PI Planning board

How do introverts handle PI Planning? Surely a big noisy room, full of people, is absolute hell from them? Which led me to ask myself the question; as an introvert how do I survive PI Planning; and I’ve survived 15 years of planning events, mostly unscathed.

Tombstone with Rest In Peace Agility carved in it

Over the years a lot of articles have been questioning "Is Agility Dead?" Rather than another click-bait rants, what the situation needs is some sensible, reasoned thinking that gets beyond the observable symptoms and starts to ask why? This post looks at What is Agility?

Crossing The Chasm Diagram

Over the years a lot of articles have been questioning "Is Agility Dead?" Rather than another click-bait rants, what the situation needs is some sensible, reasoned thinking that gets beyond the observable symptoms and starts to ask why. The post looks at what has changed within the Agile Industry since the Manifesto was published in 2001.

Magnifying Glass Inspecting A Dollar Symbol

Over the years a lot of articles have been questioning "Is Agility Dead?" Rather than another click-bait rants, what the situation needs is some sensible, reasoned thinking that gets beyond the observable symptoms and starts to ask why. There are a number of instances of high-profile agile initiatives being cancelled and the associated roles being made redundant by the organisations involved. General reason cited: We Just Don't See The Value

AI on a pedestal

Over the years a lot of articles have been questioning "Is Agility Dead?" Rather than another click-bait rants, what the situation needs is some sensible, reasoned thinking that gets beyond the observable symptoms and starts to ask why. In this post we'll look to the future and explore some of the challenges the industry is about to face and the hope that: Won't AI Save Us?

Question Mark

Over the years a lot of articles have been questioning "Is Agility Dead?" Rather than another click-bait rants, what the situation needs is some sensible, reasoned thinking that gets beyond the observable symptoms and starts to ask why. Having explored the problem space in earlier posts, this post loops back and asks What Is The Problem?

Patterns For Slicing Features

The second in a pair of blogs that deep dive into Slicing Features. This blog looks at how the slicing patterns can be utilised in practice to break down large endeavours.

Stories, or User Stories, are a common way to express each backlog item for a single team to complete within one Iteration or Sprint. Lots has been written over the years about how to write good stories; so why are so many stories still bad? In this webinar we describe where the user story concept came from, the true purpose of stories and explain ways that teams can avoid falling into the trap of doing work rather than delivering value. We describe how in SAFe the purpose of stories can be different to other agile development practices, since SAFe describes a Feature as being a releasable item, not an individual story. And we explain strategies to slice a SAFe Feature into stories.

Questions And Answers

A single backlog of work shared by many people focuses and aligns their work towards the most important work items. In SAFe, an ART Backlog of Features is used to align the work of multiple teams in the ART to the most important work items. However there are many pitfalls that must be avoided when writing Features for the ART backlog. Bad Features will result in poor work throughput, unaligned and disempowered teams. In this webinar we describe some of the strategies you can follow when writing Features to encourage agility as well as improve productivity.

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